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Black Cloud Tea

Olive Green

Regular price £23.85 GBP
Regular price Sale price £23.85 GBP
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Tasting Notes:

This is a strong green tea bursting with powerful flavours. Slightly buttery, very grassy and wonderful green olive overtones.

Tea Type:

Gunpowder Green Tea

Chinese Name:


Yong Xi Huo Qing

Background Description

This tea grows in the remote mountains near Huang Mountain, where the tea pickers walk about two hours to reach the rocky tea plantation. The tea has a unique production process where the leaves are hand fried continuously for 20 hours, with both hands scrolling the tea. This gives it its unique shape, described as gunpowder”. Prime minister Zhou used this tea to host President Nixon in 1970’s.

Tea Garden Location

Huangtian Village,

Jiang Xian,



Harvest Date

Spring 2021

Brewing Guide

Add 95º water to a small teapot.

Then add 2-3g of the tea into the water-filled teapot. Infuse for 1 minute. Now pour into cup and enjoy!

Or drink it how you want to….


Camellia Sinensis